Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Ah, the customary prologue to every fresh blog... The changing of something as personal as a blog tends to be a highly symbolic affair; a milestone, much like the shedding of a cocoon. It wasn't easy to conjure the frame of mind required to formally abandon my already dead old blog but nonetheless, it had to be done. I thoroughly enjoy writing (although I profess to be mediocre at it) and silently willed myself to revive 'A Dose of Madness' (ADoM) but an intangible hindrance stopped be from doing so.

ADoM was a pet project conjured with little thought and planning beyond simple peer pressure and the resulting outcome was equally lacklustre. Throughout its 2 years of sporadic activity, there were posts that I was wholly proud of, posts that I reminisce with indifference and posts that I feel ashamed to call my own. That being said, I feel that I cannot continue writing spiritedly with so much old baggage weighing me down and from this train of thought came the unsurprising proposal of starting anew. However, ADoM shall remain in its unadulterated form as a constant reminder of my maturing persona (I would like to think I'm not degenerating into a childish twat) and for the occasional nostalgic reading when I feel up for it.

With that, I shall draw my formalities closer to an end. 'Fabric' will hopefully turn out to be a mellowed reincarnation of my initial foray into the blogosphere, with a little less childish ranting and a little more longevity (Nominal lifespan: 5 years. Projected lifespan: 5 weeks). The blog material will probably be the usual musings, rants, reflections and updates, with a zesty twist of the madness I pride myself with. That being said, I thank thee my non-existent readers, and I shall spring an update soon enough.