Friday, February 4, 2011


(This post is a part of the 30 Day Letter Challenge that I've decided to take up, and the following letters are dedicated to the respective individuals)

Day 3 — Your parents

Dear mom and dad,

Sorry for giving you guys so much shit when I was younger. I know you have high hopes for me and but really, my high school years could do with a lot more freedom. I'm glad you're not subjecting bro to this, and I'm even more glad that the two of you are treating me as an adult now. I could get used to this. But you guys still rock all the same. :)


Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)

Dear bro,

Interesting how our relationship has evolved over the years, aye? I used to hate you so so much but now, you're like a best friend to me. I often compare my younger self to you, and quite frankly, you kicked my 14-year-old ass. Now go forth and conquer the world because you can.


Day 5 — Your dreams

Dear dreams,

You are simple, you are complex. You are constant yet ever-changing. Sometimes you tease me with your reachability and sometimes I feel shadowed by your impossibility. I hope we meet one day.


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